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Submit your entries to Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2019!
Linda Taylor: www.lindataylor.gallery, Category Winner, Food Portraiture 2018
Now in its eighth year, Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year 2019 announces a set of new judges and exciting new categories – all awaiting your entry!
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Scottish Nature Photography Awards 2018
The Scottish Nature Photography Awards celebrate nature, wildlife and landscape photography in Scotland.
The Scottish Nature Photography Awards Photographic Competition 2018 is open to professional and amateur photographers from around the world, but images must be taken in Scotland.
Entries close 24:00 hours GMT on Friday 30th November 2018.
This is the 9th annual competition to seek the Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year.
Scottish Nature Photographer of the Year 2018
- Scottish Wildlife Portrait
- Scottish Wildlife Behaviour
- Scottish Landscape - Sea & Coast
- Scottish Landscape - The Land
- Scottish Landscape - Urban Greenspace
- Scottish Botanical
- Natural Abstract
- Environmental
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The new deadline is September 21, 2018 @ 11:59pm Eastern.
Please refer to our previous post for details of the proposed fee increases.
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Comments to the Copyright Office are due, at the latest, by July 23, 2018 September 21, 2018, 11:59pm Eastern.
The U.S. Copyright Office (@CopyrightOffice), Library of Congress, published a "Notice of proposed rule making" in the Federal Register on May 24, 2018, in which they reported the outcome of a study conducted by Booz Allen to address cost recovery goals.
Importantly, the Office has never recovered its full costs from user fees. Instead, the Office has traditionally recovered approximately 60% of its costs through fees; the remainder is provided through appropriated dollars from the U.S. treasury. ~ Federal Register/Vol. 83, No. 101, p. 24055
The Office cannot set fees to recover all costs associated with registration, but they aim for a cost recovery percentage, based on a prior study, that is 71% for electronic claims and 66% for paper applications. The current cost recovery for single and standard applications stands at 51%.
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The U.S. Copyright Office (@CopyrightOffice), Library of Congress, published a "Notice of proposed rule making" in the Federal Register on May 24, 2018, in which they reported the outcome of a study conducted by Booz Allen to address cost recovery goals.
Importantly, the Office has never recovered its full costs from user fees. Instead, the Office has traditionally recovered approximately 60% of its costs through fees; the remainder is provided through appropriated dollars from the U.S. treasury. ~ Federal Register/Vol. 83, No. 101, p. 24055